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How to ripen mangoes, mango storage and eating methods

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • I ate a lot of imported mangoes because they were cheap for a while.
  • Mangoes must go through a ripening process before they can be eaten, and it is best to refrigerate them and eat them quickly.
  • Be careful as mango seeds can cause allergic reactions.

How to ripen mangoes, mango storage and eating methods

Mango is a rather expensive fruit in South Korea. However, recently, the price of apples has skyrocketed, and tariffs on imported fruits have been lowered for a limited time, making it possible to buy them at a lower price. Mangoes are approximately 1,000-2,000 won per piece, which allowed me to enjoy them to the fullest during this period. It may be familiar to younger generations, but many people haven't had easy access to mangoes, and some people may be unfamiliar with them.  I will introduce you to how to ripen mangoes, storage methods, and how to eat them. 

Mango Ripening

Mango is a typical ripening fruit. Of course, in Southeast Asia, ripe mangoes are picked and eaten, but in South Korea, it is an imported fruit, so unripe fruits are picked and brought in. Unripe mangoes have a bitter and sour taste, so they must go through a ripening process. To ripen mangoes, simply leave them at room temperature. If you store them at room temperature for a few days, the yellow skin will turn darker, small black spots will appear, and you will feel a slightly soft texture when you touch it. If it becomes overripe, like bananas, black spots will become large and numerous, so it is best to eat them when they are just right.

Mango Storage

When storing mangoes, keep the ones you will eat immediately at room temperature. If you will eat them in a few days, store them in the refrigerator. However, mangoes have soft flesh, so if they are stacked on top of each other, they can get crushed, so it is best to keep them in the packaging as they are. It is best to eat them as soon as possible even if they are stored in the refrigerator. If you can't finish the mangoes, you can separate the flesh and store it in the freezer. Frozen mangoes are good for use in smoothies, juices, and so on.

How to eat mangoes

Mangoes have a large seed in the middle. Cut the flesh on both sides, avoiding the seed, and then eat only the flesh. You can cut the flesh with slits and flip it over for a beautiful plating. Mango seeds contain allergenic components, so people who are sensitive may experience allergic reactions, so it is best to eat only the flesh. If you cut it in the middle and twist it, you can separate the seed. The flesh will come out like a cup, and this way of cutting it is convenient for scooping and eating with a spoon. 

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